Oct 14, 2006 08:47
The hat and wig are in the mail! All that's left is the coat. :D :D I'm so happyyyy~
And so now I go to the Lighting Hang, and I will be gone all day, and I will be dead tired when I get home. (Like I was last night.) PLay season has begun, which means less of Blayzy online. D: But I'll be on here and there...Also, I'm looking into getting a real job, so there again goes my time. (I believe this is what we call 'getting a life'?)
Anyway, I've been having a good time this year since the drama calmed down...We're all just hangin' out and cruisin' through now. My report card was good...A's and B's. (One C+ - English. What is a Predicate Nominative? Object of a prepositional phrase in relation to gerunds? The hell's a freakin' gerund in the first place? Argh.)