Jul 06, 2004 21:18
1)Yes I changed my layout, so don't ask why it looks different.
2)In the past few days, I've realized that I passed up something I could have had and now I'm kicking myself for it.
3)In less than a month school will be OVER...well for about 3 weeks. Ok, not even that long.
4)My birthday is August 2nd...someone buy me something cool...like some intelligence...haha ;-)
5)Where the hell is my housing assignment for UNF?! I'm getting worried.
6)I saw Spiderman 2 last night. Much better than I expected...a little too much love though..I'm such a bitter fucker. haha
7)I went to the beach a few nights ago with Tyler and stayed there until almost 5 AM. It was by far the most fun I've had in a long time. Total relaxation. I mean it was this break from reality where I could just lay there and just talk and not have to worry about school or being at work or fighting with my family or having to take care of them or whatever. We just talked about what the clouds looked like and fun stuff like that. I need to take a step back from reality like that more often.
8)Number 7 was way too long for just a numerical statement.
9)I heard the quote "To live your life in a constant state of 'what if' is absurdity. Answer the Question for once." again and it made me feel like a wimp. haha
I never answer the question. I must be absurd.
10)The green-eyed monster is after me.