I FINALLY finished my 20 hour spring class schedule yesterday.
Now in 6 days I start the summer semester. Blah. Blah. Blah.
I went to my UNF orientation on Monday. Had to be at the school at 8 AM. That's never fun because that's 7 AM to me. ZzZzZzZz. Lots of people talked about boring things like financial aid and police and blah blah blah. Then the guy came out to talk about studying abroad.
I could totally afford to go overseas for a semester. He said there are places in all of the British Isles and so forth. I could even live in Ireland for a semester. I'm completely taking advantage of that.
In other news, I could graduate in as little as 3 semesters including a summer term. How did I get so ahead of myself? I mean I don't want to be holding a bachelor's degree when I'm 19 or barely 20. That's not right. I won't ever be old enough to drink in college! haha
UNF is out in the middle of a wildlife preserve, so there were little baby geese crossing the street with their mommies. It was so cute. I wanted to take a picture of them but I could never get close enough before they would waddle away.
My schedule for this fall is equally awesome. I don't have any classes on Wednesdays or Fridays, so I will be free to come home when I feel like it and actually stay for more than a day. Not that I think I'll want to go home that often, but the fact that I will be able to is great. The guidance guy totally hooked me up and let me sign up for classes before everybody else, so I got a super schedule.
Psych Major seminar: Mondays 7:30-8:45 PM
Psychology of Abnormal Behavior: T/R 9:25-10:10:40 AM
Research Methods Lab: Thursdays 1:40-2:55 PM
Research methods Psychology: T/R 3:05-4:20 PM
Stress Management: T/R 4:30-5:45 PM
Behavior Modification: T/R 6:00-7:15 PM
So basically Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be long ass days, but it will be worth it to have days where I can do anything.
I feel like I'm actually working towards something now. It's so much better than just taking random classes to fill voids and time.
I might actually add another class because that is only 14 hours and my advisor suggested I add one more just to be safe in case I really hate one of those. He was really nice and very helpful.
In fact everyone seemed extremely helpful and nice. It was a nice change.
I saw where I might be living. If I get one of the "apartments" for upperclassmen I'll be living in a "non-dry area" which means that alcohol is allowed. I'm actually not quite sure how I feel about that because I mean I'm barely going to be 19 and I might get stuck with all these old people. haha. But my other choice was a dorm and I actually got to see that one. WOAH. It was HUGE. My dorm at UCF was HALF the size of these dorms. Maybe less that half. It was absolutely ridiculously huge. It's because they built all the dorm to be triples, so they are all crazy huge. So no matter where I live I should be living in a very nice place. And all the places have private bathrooms. You have to share it with your roomies, but not with your suitemates or anything, so there is no need to worry about being LOCKED OUT. God I hated that.
I'm super tired, so I'm going to nap now. :)
Oh wait wait.
This picture courtesy of the www.sharpeningbeneath.com and thier studio diary:
Check out Randy's hair steph!
OK Bye now.