Damn you've got some wicked style!

Nov 10, 2004 22:34

I woke up this morning feeling shitty. Swelled throat, headache, and now I'm burning up. Blah. I mean this could just be one of those 48 hour bugs, which I'm REALLY REALLY hoping it is, because if I got really sick right now it would be detrimental to the rest of the semester. I have two MAJOR tests coming up in the next week and I can't afford to feel shitty. It takes enough of my self will to study when I feel great, so I can only imagine how much I won't study if I feel bad! BAH!

On top of that, when I was lifting weights this morning and working on my back, I think I totally pulled a muscle, because my right shoulder hurts so bad to move. I don't know what I did, but it hurts.

When I was walking back from my health psych class, this car full of annoying guys pulled up next to me and asked me where the party was??? I just said that I just got out of class and I don't know what happens on Wednesday nights. They just kept asking me all these questions and I was kind of slowly moving away from them because it was just creepy. I mean it's 8:30 at night. The campus is dead and it's a good run to one of those police buzzer things..

So they just kept asking me about parties and why I don't party because I look like I would be so much fun to party with, etc etc. I just kept saying, "I've had a long day. I have to go home" and so they were like, "let's go party at your place then!" and I was like, "no. I'm going home now." So I started walking away and the guy that was driving got out of the car and started following me and was yelling, "can I at least get a hug from you?!" and I just walked faster and didn't look back. I walked to the library and went in there for about 20 minutes, just so I knew they weren't fucking following me or something. It just creeps me out that a guy wants a "hug"? from you when he doesn't even know you. I mean you've gotta be fucking dilusional if you think I'm gonna let some weird guy get his arms around me. HELL NO! I'm so afraid of guys these days. I feel like I can't trust barely any of them. I mean a guy says one thing to me that I feel is remotely degrading or wrong and I just never talk to the guy again. I mean I can only think of 2 guys that I would trust myself to be alone with. TWO. That's fucking sad as hell. Now I'm going to be paranoid whenever I walk back from that class late at night. I'll have to go park somewhere closer or something. I don't know. asdfghjkl. Guys are pigs.

I need to put my pepper spray back in my purse forrealz.

I'm going home tomorrow for 2 reasons:

1)To clean out my room especially my clothes, so I can sell them in a yard sale and/or burn them in a giant bonfire. Most of my shirts are way too big because of all the weight I've lost over the past 10 months and the pants are too lose too. Therefore I should make some money off of them or at least donate them to the salvation army or something.


2)To hopefully come back to Pensacola with BROWN hair. I can't stand looking at myself in the mirror anymore because I look like a fucking cancer patient with the pale skin and black hair. It's just not me. I mean everyone says it looks so cute, but I don't like it anymore. =( And I look sick. I mean when my hair is down, I look seriously sick and it just makes me sad and I just can't wait for it to grow out. I'm that impatient, so if I can get an appt I'm going to a salon to have it stripped and re-dyed. Gonna cost me so much money, but I can't take it anymore!! haha. Can you tell that I'm not happy with it?!

See, I was so happy with the brown hair!

And this is how I feel about the black hair!

And see, I'm so ashamed of the black hair that I have to HIDE MY FACE!!!

Ok, that was lame. HAHA. Point being=gotta get rid of the black hair!

Alright, Hopefully when I post in this thing again I'll have new pictures of me with my brown hair back!

*dances to Gwen's new song*

Damn this song is catchy!
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