I think I change my mind about things more than anyone in this world. Forrealz

Nov 05, 2004 15:12

Gwen Stefani is absolutely gorgeous. I just saw her new video and I mean she just gets prettier by the day. I mean no matter how rediculous of an outfit she has or hair or whatever she still looks amazing. Ever since I started liking them(well no doubt before they got all dance-techno on us)when I was 10 years old in Michigan I always wanted to look like her. Haha. She's just so damn pretty.

Anyways. Chelsea called me last night which was superfantabulous. She also stirred up all my emotions about college and my mind is changing AGAIN. I'm insane, but I mean...

No I'm just insane. We'll leave it at that.

Steph's coming to visit me this weekend. We're going to eat lots of junk food and talk about how we are such cool kids and bitch about why boys are animals and LAME because that's what friends do.

Today is also the one year anniversary of Steph's FIRST CONCERT! Awww. It's so sweet! haha. BRAND NEW/HOT ROD CIRCUIT/EISLEY/COPELEAND HOB ORLANDO GREAT SHOW LIKE WHOA.

And we got out triplet picture taken! Awww. Oh memories. And Steph spent the 3 hours we waited for Jesse to come out to think of what she was going to say and then said exactly what she said she wouldn't. HAHA. It's ok steph, you see what happens when I get near my baby's daddy! ;-)

That was before Jesse got his ass whipped into some cowboy boots. YEEHAW!

Uh anyways, I just got a 78 on my second human sexuality test which is so fucking lame because the test was so freaking badly made and the questions were so stupid and not accurate at all. You can't pin point an exact reason for homosexuality. It's impossible and when a question says, "the main reason people are homosexuals is:" is WRONG. The main reason for one person could not be the main reason for someone else. And biology is the only think I could think would be what he was aiming for, but no that wasn't what he wanted and all the other answers made NO SENSE. STUPID STUPID QUESTIONS.

I hate school these days. (only 22 more days though) And to make matters worse I can't even come up with enough classes to make a full schedule next semester. I'm THAT uninterested in it. That and the selection of psych classes next semester is the shittiest selection I've ever seen. There is NOTHING and the classes that look interesting are apparently tought by extremely shitty and stupid professors. asdfghjkl;

This lady came into my human sexuality class last night to talk about "love relationships". I just about started crying about 300 times during her little presentation while she talked about how wonderful life is when you're in love and blah blah blah. Then of course she had to talk about people that can't seem to ever find someone that is "good" and when they do that person wants nothing to do with them, etc etc and I was like, "DOES ANYONE HAVE A GUN SO I CAN EITHER TAKE OUT THIS LADY OR MYSELF?! KTHANX."

I'm kidding, but I mean she just made way too many points that made way too much sense. About people having standards that are unnatainable(I don't think mine are THAT high?) and basically when you need to completely give up on wanting a relationship from someone.

She gave out this handout entitled "what a good romantic love relationship looks like!" and it has all these different points on it like, "responsibility", and "commitmnet", etc etc. But this one point just sucked to read.

"Number 8: FASCINATION=This means we are inclined to pay attention to the other person even when we should be engaged in other activities. We want to be with them, see them, touch them, etc., and it is very frustrating when we cannot be with them."

That about sums up every relationship I've ever had. ESPECIAlLY THE CANNOT BE WITH THEM PART. And of course I'm infamous for losing sleep just to stay up late to talk to people and I always lose them. *sigh* I must be really shitty at building better relationships or something. Haha.

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