Sep 07, 2004 19:15
Two great things happened today thus far:
1)In Social Psych we were talking about why people are more likely to interfere with a fight among strangers than people that appear to be family or friends, etc.. So, professor Vondanovich is telling this story about how he was shopping in Albertson's and he saw this lady hitting her kid really hard in the head and he went over there and asked the lady what she thought she was doing by hitting her kid like that. (These are my professors exact words----->) "The lady told me to go do something to myself and I told her that was physcially impossible!"
Ok, so maybe you had to be there. But I love him! He's so awesome. He has the best stories to tell and I love his class. It's really made me think about what aspect of psych I should study in my graduate program.
2)When I was walking to my changing your fucking health behaviors class, these two guys walked out of the door to the building and were probably at least 20 feet away from the door and one of them jogged back to it just to open it for me! =) It was so sweet. haha. I mean I normally don't get all that excited over doors being opened for me or anything because I'm a firm believer that I can open the door my damn self, but still. He did a little jog back over to the door just for me. It made me feel special. haha I. am. a. dork.
The rest of my day has been spent studying for my bio psych test that is tomorrow. I'm so scared. I mean I think I get it and I think I understand it, but his tests could be really hard. He really seems like the kind of guy that expects you to know the tiniest details and I'm more of a big picture kind of person...I just don't want to get a bad grade on this test. One thing I don't need is to start off the semester with a bad grade. Although it could easily be made up for, it's just not a big self esteem booster to get a bad grade on your first test, you know?
I've also officially dedicated Friday and Saturday to job hunting. I need not only money, but something constant to do on the weekends.
I might go home for just one day this weekend. I need to straighten some things out with someone and also I still need to see my PDA whore AND I need to find a couch. All my apartment is missing is a couch. I feel like I can't invite anyone over, because there is nowhere to sit and nowhere for an extra person to sleep or anything. Sorry guys =(
EDIT: I FOUND MY OLD PAPPAS ICON! <3 Had to bring it back!!!