Larry Verse: Fairy Tales Part 1

Aug 21, 2012 14:32

Okay, So This Is Clearly A Larry Version Of Sleeping Beauty, I Originally Had This As Three Chapters, But Changed It Into A One-Shot, As The Chapters Were Super Short.
Wrote This As The First One In A Fairy-Tale Verse That I’m Gonna Write For unsurrenderedstyles So I Hope You Enjoy It Love, I Had Fun With This!x
FYI, I Know That Mark Tomlinson Is Louis' Stepdad Not His Dad, But It Made More Sense In The Story To Have Him As His Original Dad.
This Clearly Never Happened; I Don’t Own Any Of 1D.

A long, long time ago, King Mark and Queen Johannah wished for a child every single day! For a long time, they didn’t have one, but one day the wonderful Queen Johannah was bathing in a spring, when a frog crept out of the water, and said to her, “Your wish will come true! Before a year passes, you shall bring a beautiful baby boy into this kingdom.”
By the end of the year, the Queen wasn’t surprised that she had, indeed, brought a lovely baby boy, whom she named Louis; frogs were renowned to be very magical creatures in the kingdom.

The King was overjoyed to have a young son of his own, and prepared a huge feast, and invited his friends, family and neighbours. The Queen invited the 13 magical fairies of the kingdom in the hope that they would be good to the child, and protect him from evil! However the King only had 12 gold plates for the fairies to eat from, meaning that one of the fairies that had to be left out. None of the guests were saddened by this, as the thirteenth fairy was known to be cruel and spiteful!

The amazing feast was held, and when it came to an end, all of the fairies gave little Prince Louis a magic gift, which the King and Queen were positively jubilant about!
After eleven of the fairies had presented their gifts, the 13th fairy suddenly appeared and was desperate to show just how angry she was at not being included in the meal, she cursed poor Louis, and said that, at the age of fifteen, he would cut open his finger and drop down dead. With that, she turned on her heel and marched out of the hall!
The guests were all horrified and the Queen began to sob, but the twelfth fairy had not yet spoken! While her magic wasn’t powerful enough to rid Louis of this terrible curse, she could soften the blow, so she stepped forward and said,

“No! Prince Louis will not die, but instead will fall into a deep, deep slumber, that will last for
100 Long Years, unless, he is kissed by his one true love!”
Over the years the fairies gifts took shape, and the Prince was much sought after by all of the girls in the land, but he never took an interest in dating any of them!
On the eve of the Princes 15th birthday, they ordered their servants to rid the castle of any objects that could potentially cut Louis’ finger.
When the Prince woke up on the morning of his 15th birthday, he was so excited! He was finally old enough to go out hunting with his father! He jumped out of his bed, but got his feet tangled in the sheets, falling and catching himself on the floor with his hands, so as he didn’t injure his face.

He walked down the stairs, not noticing the blood slowly seeping from his finger! When he got to the hall, he greeted his parents, who both shared the same look of horror, both staring at his bleeding finger.
Louis began to feel faint, and slid to the floor, struggling to keep his eyes open. His parents rushed over to him, and picked him up, carrying him to his bed, and straightening the sheets after putting him underneath them. His mom kissed his forehead, Louis’ eyes sliding shut, and not opening. His father laid a single rose at the bottom of the bed, and called one of the dogs to guard him.

The King and Queen immediately called all of the girls in the kingdom to kiss Louis and try to wake him. After three long days, the last girl tried her luck, but still the Prince did not wake.

For the next two years, girls from all over the world tried to wake him, none ever succeeded!
When Louis had fallen into the sleep, they had fired all of their servants, for not doing their job properly, and had hired more men from the next kingdom. One of these servants was Harry Styles; he wasn’t like most people in the kingdom, for he was gay. While he was working for the King and Queen, he had to clean Louis room. He slowly developed a crush on the young Prince and wished that the Queen would allow him to try and wake him, but he didn’t believe that she would agree to it, or that he would wake, but it was defiantly worth a try!

One day, in the summer, he built up the courage to lean over the boy and kiss his cheek. Nothing happened, but Harry desperately wanted to do it again, so this time, he leant over slightly further, and kissed him once on the lips, and remarkably, the Prince’s breathing stuttered, and then slowed again, one of his fingers twitching slightly.

Harry was excited and scared all at once! What if the Prince did wake up, and Harry was his one true love?! He would be with Louis forever then! But how was he going to explain this to the Queen? He couldn’t just say, ‘Oh I’m sorry your highness, I tripped and fell, and my lips landed on his and he just happened to wake up! It’s funny how things work out, huh?!’ he would have to tell her the truth!

Slowly, haltingly, he pressed his lips against the Prince’s, yelping in surprise when the Prince actually kissed back! He felt Louis’ fingers press lightly into his hair, pulling him in closer, and carefully, hesitantly licking Harry’s bottom lip slightly, Harry sighing and opening his mouth. Louis’ tongue dipped into Harry’s mouth gently, and the two were blissfully happy, in their own little moment.

Harry jerked back, staring, terrified at the Queen.
‘I-I’m sorry ma’am! I-I just wanted to t-try and wake him up!’
‘H-he’s awake! My baby’s awake! Thank you boy, thank you! How can I ever repay you!’
‘Mom? Mom! I’m awake! I can talk! Who woke me?’
‘This young man here! Your true love Louis!’
‘Oh! H-Hello...’
Louis Blushed a pale shade of red, fiddling with a bracelet on his wrist.
‘Uh, thank you? C-can try something?’
‘Uhm, yeah?’
Louis beckoned to Harry, and sat up, waiting for Harry to get to him.

When Harry eventually got there, Louis reached upwards and placed his hand on the back of Harrys head, pulling him down, and kissing him softly, slowly.
He pulled back and studied the younger boys reaction, and smile to himself, murmuring,
‘I liked that, I like you, I want to be able to spend the rest of my life with you. You saved my life, I want to spend the rest of it thanking you!’
Harry blushed and looked toward the Queen, silently asking her, her opinion. She nodded and left the room.
‘Okay, C-can I kiss you again?’ Harry stuttered, averting his eyes.

Instead of replying, Louis kissed him, pulling him into his lap, sighing happily.
The next year, the Boys got married, and the happiness of the kingdom was restored.


Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

one direction, larry stylinson, fairy tale verse, kiss, love, harry styles, sleeping beauty, louis tomlinson

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