Feb 19, 2005 16:33
1) First grade teacher's name: …dunno.
2) Last words you said: You’re such a loser.
3) Last song you sang: Um…The Circus theme song thing.
4) Last thing you laughed at: My brother falling. *Blinks*
5) Last time you cried: Last night…o.o
6) What's in your CD player: Slipknot
7) What color socks are you wearing: I’m not wearing any right now. I’m wearing slippers.
9) What's under your bed: boxes of stuff that my mother just stuck on there. Probably filled with drugs. Damn whore
10) What time did you wake up today: 10:30
11) Current taste: You’re mom. Yum.
12) Current hair: Brownish…and stuff? This question is stupid.
13) Current clothes: Jeans. My jeans with the holes in the knees and the holes that just fucking appeared out of nowhere on my ass. Stupid…pants. And a blue tank top. And my coat.
14) Current longing: …stupid question.
15) Current Annoyance: People. That Talk. And won’t shut up.
16) Current desktop picture: Trent Reznor.
17) Current worry: Stuff. And…yeah.
18) Current hate: People…and stuff? That talk and won’t shut up.
19) Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Penis.
No, um…hair…or eyes. Mmhmm.
20) Last CD that you bought: Nine Inch Nails: And All That Could Have Been live. Well, technically it’s a dvd…but it’s still music so shut the fuck up.
21) Time you wake up in the morning: School days: 6:45 Weekends/Whatever: 10-ish
26) Favorite color: green, purple.
27) Do you believe in an afterlife: eh.
28) How tall are you? Like 5'4 and a quarter
30) Favorite book: Winter of Fire or Green Rider
31) Favorite season: Dunno.
32) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Sigh. I don’t know. Can’t think. Chris. Yeah. Chris…what’s his name. It was in third grade and he was my first crush.
33) Favorite day: Saturday.
34) Where would you like to go: Ireland
35) What is your career going to be like: WTF? Well, I want to be an archeologist/theologist/Egyptologist. Yep.
36) How many kids do you want: None. Though I might adopt, maybe. Dunno. Depends.
37) What kind of car will you have: …one that drives. Or something.
39) A random lyric: I want to fuck you like an animal.
40) Identify some things surrounding your computer: printer…speakers. Lava lamp…lamp…pile of c.d.s with crap that I’m going through. Nintindo DS….empty boxes…and stuff.
42) Did you send this to your crush? Nope.
43) Do you prefer friends of the same or opposite sex? Both?
44) Who knows you best: Not really anyone
45) Who is your best friend?: Don’t have one. I have people I don’t hate though.
46) What are the places you've traveled to outside your province? Province? I live in a state, thank you.
47) What kind of shampoo do you use? Pretty smelling kind. Like strawberry…and stuff. Green apple is my favorite but I don’t’ have anymore.
49) What are you listening to right now?: Me typing. And my brother playing Halo 2 in the other room. I think I might put on some music though right now.
50) Where do you want to get married?: On the beach.