Week 5

Mar 04, 2007 07:47

Week 005: The Plot Thickens

On a Sunday morning, certain students wake up to more than just the clear sky.

A sealed letter sits on the table beside their bed, innocently catching their eyes. Some of the students ignore it at first, some may pick it up, each student's reaction is different. But what they will all find out by the end of the week is that despite any methods used, the letter stays sealed.

It resists all mutant powers, refusing to be destroyed or opened in any way, no matter what the owners may do. Soon, one way or another, the letters fall under the bed, into the trash, slipped in a drawer... nearly forgotten but somehow nagging at the back of their minds.

[Note: the 'certain students' are all the ones that aren't NPCs, as you may have guessed. :) ]

Sunday, November 2

Monday, November 3 Clear skies, no clouds.

Tuesday, November 4 Some clouds and a little wind.

Wednesday, November 5 Some clouds and a little wind.

Thursday, November 6 Some clouds and a little wind.

Friday, November 7 Cloudy and very windy.

Saturday, November 8 Cloudy and very windy.

... *fails* A day late, sorry! I was MIA on the internet for the past couple days.
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