Aug 10, 2012 01:58

Dia dhuit. I am finally at the cottage! Went with Bob to Port Perry Sunday night while he worked until 1am, then we got up here at exactly 3am. Only Aiden was actually awake ... Steven was passed out in a chair but we poked him to let him know we got up here safe and weren't dead.

Monday everyone went swimming for the first time! It was mildly freezing, but once you got in it was okayish. We had a Spider-Man ball and a frisbee ... the ball kept trying to escape because it was super windy. We have been playing a crazy amount of the Pokémon board game. Like, a RIDICULOUS amount. Bob won, but then Steven Time Machined him to make him roll again, so he didn't beat the Elite Four member he was facing and we could keep playing. Bob also stole my Dragonite. Okay technically he caught it fair and square, but it was mostly just to bug me. Irish Dave caught a Dratini ... so I was trying to land on an Event Card and force a trade with him but then Bob ended up stealing it -_- But the next game Steven traded the Dragonite to me. I offered to break up my chain so I could have the Dragonite hahaha I'm dumb. Oh well. I kept getting to be the Elite Four member and killing everyone mwahahaha it was fun.

We went to Sobeys and got some of everything, and met Liam there. Some people did a booze run, then we were back off to the cottage. Next day, Bob had to mail his mailbox key home because it was in the car and his mom needed it as soon as possible. We went into town so he could mail it Express [requires signature], and I went to the bank and poked around a bookstore. Then he took me to Oliver's [♥!] so I could purchase the world's most delicious coffee oh my god. And also a brownie.

Next day, Bob gets a call from his mother and she said that they never came to the door and the package is in the mailbox. Yes. The mail key they need to open the mailbox is IN THE MAILBOX. There was much ragelaughing. Essentially they staked out the road and basically attacked the mail lady when she was putting in the mail to get the package and the mission was a success.

Steve was supposed to come up Tuesday night, but he texted Steven at like 11pm and said he was gonna come up in the morning. We were up playing card games, when all of a sudden I saw what looked like a stick banging against the kitchen window. I was like wtf is that. I thought it might have been a dumb deer, because they really are incredibly stupid sometimes. So all of us wandered over, and it kept banging. We went upstairs to see if we could get a better view. We heard what sounded like some kind of dying animal noises, which made a few of us suspicious ... we shone flashlights, but we couldn't get the beam directly down so Bob opened the screen and shone the light down. It turned out to be Steve and Elyse, Liam's girlfriend who was a complete surprise. I'd already met her. The noises made us suspicious because some of us had heard Steve make them before ... that was when we realized we probably weren't going to die. Steven was convinced it was a moose hahaha basically we were making fun of all of us the entire week.

Went to the Farmer's Market yesterday! YAAAAAAY. Got a really nice chunky amethyst bracelet and a 200 million year old squid pendant because I'm awesome. And really like squid! We did another Sobeys run, too.

And now it is today! We were supposed to go into a neighbouring town to do some mini-golfing, but it decided to pour today and may do so until later Saturday -_- Ugh. Plans. Ruined. I wanted to go for a walk with Bob but that probably won't happen now. Balls.


It is now the 16th of August, and I am continuing the entry because I have internet again yay.


Yeah so as I was saying, Thursday was rainy and horrid ... a few of the guys went swimming because the lake is always warmer in the rain and they didn't believe me. But now they do! Thursday was my last full day with Bob because he had to leave Friday to work at night. Boooo. But then we got Tyler, Ben, & Erich, so I GUESS that was fine ... hahaha. Basically we just played a bunch of card games and more Pokémon board game. I ended up with my full Dratini line! Mwahaha. I held Erich's Charizard for ransom because he ended up catching my Dragonite; then he got a Trade card, and I offered it to him for my Dragonite and he said yes. Wooo. Oh yeah, all throughout the week we were watching the horrid cable porn that comes on around midnight. We actually had it on when Steve and Elyse showed up and they were like wtf ... are you guys just sitting here playing card games and watching terrible porn? We're like ... yep. JOIN US WON'T YOU? It's the porn that's on one of the movie channels, can't remember which one.

Starting from about Friday, I had really terrible cramps [originally wrote that as 'craps' hahahaha] ... finally got hit on Tuesday -_- At least I got ONE swim in. Erich apparently arrived at the cottage at like ... 8am Friday. I thought I heard car doors at around 8:15 but I thought I was hearing things. GUESS NOT, HURRR. I was kind of anti-social from Friday onward, because I was just in too much pain to deal with people even though I love them all. I hid in the bunkie a lot. Tyler came to check on me Saturday morning to make sure I wasn't dead. I was wrapped up in a blanket [I was nude but really hot and then really cold ... it was awful] and doing the jigsaw puzzle I started Friday night. He was like SWIMMING?! I'm like no ... still being female and feel generally horrid. He asked if I needed anything and I said a nice warm Bob hahaha I thanked him and sent him on his way.

Later that day, Chris and Jordan came back up! Dave & I faced them for beer pong. I honestly don't remember who won ... but I'm pretty sure it was us :D They brought some worms to go fishing with, and I really wanted to go. SO I DID. My rod is always up at the cottage. The three of us were on the dock, and Erich came down to be the flashlight guy for us. We got all the way down to the dock, and Chris is like FUCK I forgot my knife. Not really thinking I'm like okay ... so go get us? I had no idea what he needed it for. Turns out he couldn't find his, so he brought down a steak knife. I'm like so what did you need it for? He goes ... to cut the worms, duh. I'm like what are you, a lady? Use your nail! He's like ew ... I don't see any of YOU volunteering!! So I'm like ... I volunteer. & cut worm pieces for all of us 'cause I'm a champion. Two casts in, I totally caught a fish. It was the world's tiniest rock bass, but he totally counts! Chris was pissed hahaha apparently he and Jordan had been trying to catch things for a month [they go up by themselves sometimes] and I take two casts and catch something. I took a few more casts, got a few more hits, and stopped so they could have a chance to get something. Chris ended up catching a tiny little rock bass, too. I maintain it was the same fish. I went up a bit before they did to take a pill. Later on, everyone was passed out for some reason and it was just Tyler, me, Chris, and Jordan awake so we decided to play some drinking games. Chris chose, and it was something called Pyramid. Everyone got him SO mind-numbingly drunk 'cause he kept being an ass hahaha not actually, but he kept thinking people were cheating and they weren't. Tyler was pretty gone as well. Him & I were sharing beer that Liam's brother made that was ridiculously strong. It tasted minty to me 'cause I had been drinking Creme de Menthe & Creme de Cacao & vodka! Yay. So the mint taste overwhelmed anything else. When I saw how much of it was left, I was like holy shit how am I still alive. I got RIDICULOUSLY hungry at like 3am, so I had a burger that was leftover from dinner. I was still hungry, so I ate the other one. When I'm getting sick, I eat everything in sight so I was getting a bit worried. At around 5am, I went to the bunkie to head to bed. About 20 minutes later, I hear scratching at the door. I helloooooo at the door, and Tyler stumbles in and plops down in the big chair. I'm like heeeeeeeey how are you feeling? He's like ... I have to puke and pee and it's terrible. I'm like so long as you get outside to do either. Then we were just talking about the game, then he gets up, goes outside for about 8 minutes, and comes back in. I heard pukey noises. I'm like ... better? He's like ... I don't have to pee anymore! & then he bade me goodnight and stumbled back down the steps. It didn't occur to me until like 10 minutes later that I heard puking noises but he said he peed ... I got concerned.

Next morning I see Tyler passed out in front of the fireplace, and Steven is up. I asked if he'd seen his brother at all. He's like yeah ... I put him to bed around 7am; he hadn't slept yet. What did you guys do to him? I'm like nothing! He kept calling us cheats but we weren't. Not our fault. Steven's like ... oh okay. Eventually Chris made an appearance and I apologized for making him drink bahahaha he said the same :P We were packed and ready to go around 5:15ish, then we were just dividing up the garbage and recycling to take to the dump. Steven had me, Dave & Lynsie, Tyler had Ben, and Erich was by himself. We were leading because only I knew where we were going. Tyler was behind us, and Erich behind him. We pulled in to get gas, and everyone stopped with us. We finished, and Steven was just waiting for Erich to finish putting his gas in. But then I see Tyler pull out ahead of us and I'm like uh oh. So we go, and all I see of Erich is him putting his hands up like wtf dudes!, but then we realized as we passed Tyler that he was waiting for us because he realized he didn't know where to go. We kept going, and Tyler followed, and that was the last any of us saw Erich =/ Oops. Not like he needed the dump, he didn't have anything. But still. Oops. After we finished there, we had some Harvey's, and then we were on our own the rest of the way. I had Dave in the backseat with me. It was a good ride home.

& now I have been at Bob's since Sunday night! Yaaaaay. Watched all my shows, all the Reese Witherspoon movies [except tonight's, duh]. Yesterday we took a walk down to the ducks, and there wasn't too much water in the waterfall so you could walk down it. I did just that, then I realized there was another path that I hadn't seen before. I started to explore, then I realized it led into the water tunnel that Tyler had told me about a bit ago. Bob saw me go in, and I ran all the way through it to check it out. He eventually followed me in, and we came out at the other end and walked through foliage that was at least 10 feet high. It led to a forest! One of those really awesome ones where the trees are really tall so there are just trunks and roots and sticks everywhere. We explored for a bit, then we saw a car and headed towards it. We came out on a street called Strawberry Court hahaha I loved it. I want to explore the forest more ... if I had a GPS phone, I definitely would. Started a Stonehenge puzzle! It's sky, then Stonehenge, then grass. That's it. I got up today and looked at it, and in the grass was a puzzle heart made from removed pieces. I cried hahaha BECAUSE I'M A SAP OKAY. Actually because it was a very us thing to do. When Bob got up I scolded him for making me cry 8D He was really sorry :P Today is my last full day with him ... sigh. But then I can go home and do home things. Wooo!


Hope everyone's doing well ♥ Beannachtaí agus slán.

fishing, so much drinking zomg, puzzle, cottage, exploring, a wild bob appeared, rain boo, markets

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