would never shy from a fight.

Nov 08, 2009 16:43

Update about the whole internet situation. I ended up coming home this weekend since I needed to find my start-up disc (which I did, to my immense relief) and then back up all of my stuff with the help of evildrew's external hard drive. (Thanks again for that, Andrew!)

So tonight I'll go back on the train and then I'll take my computer in tomorrow and it'll hopefully be all reformatted by Tuesday. Then I should be around a lot more. I'm glad this seems to be working out, since I was beyond frustrated about it for a while.

Anyway, here's a meme that I was tagged for by lady_angelina:

FIRST: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
SECOND: Tag eight sexy people. Don't refuse to do that like a pansy.

Who sleeps in bed next to you?: Uhh, I sleep with my stuffed seal, Seymore. I've had him since I was probably six/seven and he's never left me for long. I took him to Japan, even. He kind of needs a wash, come to think of it. I SHOULD POST A PICTURE OF HIM SOMEDAY.

What did you last eat?: A parmesan chicken sandwich at the Cheesecake Factory. It was awesome and came with some fries. *__* And I have a lemon torte I took to go waiting for me, which I should eat before I leave for the station, wow.

What kind of books do you read?: BOOKS FOR MY LIT CLASS. LOL, seriously, that's what it comes down to. I've been reading The Tale of Genji, which I'm actually almost done with. I'm going to feel like such a boss when I finish that. Also been reading some Eastern European sci-fi, which has been really interesting. I'm on Solaris right now, which I've been enjoying a ton and I recommend it highly. It manages to be reaaaally creepy at the beginning, which I think is impressive since books usually don't creep me out. And it's got some really interesting identity issues that it messes with, which I love. See Nathan's arc in Heroes. Other than that, some Greek plays for my Greek Civ class, among other things. I started Catch 22 in the summer, but didn't finish it before school started up again. OH, and I read apps. 8)

If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?: ...Japan? I've had like 2 dreams about being back there, and I'd love to visit again. ;_; Other than that, EUROPE. I still haven't been able to go.

What's really creepy?: I... dunno? I kind of have a squick when it comes to eye injuries, but that's not exactly the same. OH, piggybacking off of Ang's answer, there was this one time in my freshman year of college when me and my friends were on the bus and there was this creepy kid who kept brushing his hair over and over with a comb and fkjdalfe, he followed us after we got off for a bit, ahhh.

Name one odd item within five feet of you.: I'm in the kitchen so there's nothing that weird... Let's go with this painted clay thing of pancakes that I made in middle school, LOL.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?: I guess that for now it's still Heroes and Supernatural, although I've had Kingdom Hearts on the brain since I've been playing 358/2 Days. It makes me want to canon review even though I know I don't have the time.

What did you really want to do today that you didn't?: The day isn't over, but I guess I'll say that Erin was maybe going to drop by to return my doujinshi to me and she wasn't able to make it. Not a huge deal, but it's all I can think of. I was also planning to work on an essay but I've pretty much accepted that that isn't going to happen. It isn't due until next Monday so I'm not that worried.

What are you most excited for?: Hmm, let's see. I'm excited for where Heroes and Supernatural are going, but that's kind of a boring answer... I'm excited for Christmas, since I always love that time of year. ♥ The shopping, the wrapping, the warm fuzzy feelings...! That kind of thing. There aren't any games that I think will be coming out too soon that I'm excited about, but... OH, OH, I'm excited for the Star Trek DVD to come out, fffff. Do want.

What websites do you always visit when you go online?: Livejournal, Gmail, sometimes Facebook, Spoilertv, Youtube... Pretty basic stuff.

What was the last thing you bought?: Uhh... My mom paid for lunch, so I guess it was the pastrami sandwich I bought for lunch yesterday. Mmm, so good. ♥

If you could have any pet, what would it be?: Either a black lab (that's the kind of dog I've always, always wanted) or a parrot, preferably a talking one. Since I had an African Grey when I was a kid and I miss that bird like burning. ;;

Your past life: Tell me about it.: ...I was a merman. idek.

What do you want right this minute, off the top of your head?: That lemon torte that is waiting for me to eat it? 8D Just need to finish filling this out and I can om nom nom.

Where is the place you like to return to in order to calm down/relax/etc.?: It's always home. This is the place where I've grown up my entire life, so it's 'home base' in my mind. Of course, whatever happens to be 'home' at the time generally counts, since it's just a matter of that alone time and that space that I need. Obviously it's not quite as good when there's a roommate and etc. there, but usually that doesn't bother me. I just need my me time to keep me sane, ahaha. 8D

What's one thing that terrifies you that nobody else gets?: Terrifies me? Well, there's the whole eye mutilation thing that I'd mentioned before. I actually have a fear of death but I don't usually talk about that since... I feel weird discussing it and I don't really know how to explain it properly. 8(

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?: I would like to tell a lot of my friends that they are awesome and talented and should shoot for whatever dreams they have. Even if it doesn't work out, it's better to give it a try than just settling for something else.

Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?: Summer break is definitely up there, even though I'm stealing from Angelina again. I remember my cousin used to come down every summer and watch me and my brother and we would just have a blast going over to the neighbors', playing video games, and whatnot. Also, hanging out with Liz and stuff. ;; And just that sense of frolicking outside being so fun whereas now I'm like "...why did kickball amuse me so much." Oh, and playing soccer.

Say something to the person who tagged you.: Angelina~ I still need to get a hold of FFVI and play it so I can toss out leapandrage someday. THANKS FOR BEING IN DAMNED AND PLAYING A PIMP-ASS VON KARMA, and as usual, have faith in your awesome writing because it seriously is awesome. Also, Harvey and von Karma should thread sometime. 8)

I apologize if I tag someone who's already been tagged: bondofflame, continuum, endless_abyss, evildrew, famira, nest, otakara, and wyna_hiros, you're up!

meme, supernatural, star trek, kingdom hearts, oh my god food is good, roleplay, family, heroes, friends, japan, school, laptop, damned

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