i like past you.

Oct 01, 2009 22:10

I usually leave the Supernatural reports to continuum, but I couldn't resist this time.


I will never forget about this. Ever. That is just... such gold. And fdkljafdae I... want fic involving this now. Too bad I like Dean paired up with a total prude.

SPEAKING OF WHICH, I want future!Dean/future!Castiel like burning. I mean, if Castiel threw caution to the wind and steeped himself in decadence, I could totally see him asking Dean to let him experience something he hadn't tried before. Dean would probably just stare at him like he was insane, but future!Castiel would let Dean wear whatever girly clothing they could find among all the wreckage, and it would be a wonderful partnership.

I mean, that exchange between past!Dean and future!Dean: "You're going to just let all your friends die? Even Cas?"

What. Does that mean.

But but but WOW, I loved future!Dean to bits. I love the totally broken future counterparts who have just been pushed so hard you can just see it, and and I noticed how Jensen changed the way he spoke between the two Deans, and it was awesome, okay. (I want future!Dean and future!Peter to interact. Someone make this happen.)

Chuck was adorable too. HOARD TOILET PAPER. I will take your advice, Chuck.

Oh, and MAYBE IT'S JUST ME, but I liked Sam in that suit. My roommate agreed with me and so does Erin, so NYEH.

That scene when Sam and Dean met up at the end was really good, I thought. Just... idk, there was a quiet optimism to it that I really liked. I can't quite explain it... I'd have to watch it again.

It was also so cute how Castiel pulled Dean away from Zachariah at the perfect moment! "We had an appointment." Don't you mean date, Cas? Oh, they're just too precious. ;__;

Bottom line: Court loves future episodes. Unless they're the one from season 3 of Heroes. Then they can go diaf.

Next week looks wonderfully ridic. I hope that Castiel is along for the ride. SRSLY, EPIC THREESOME, C'MON NOW.

In other news, I've had a headache all afternoon/evening. Finally took meds for it, SO GO AWAY. And fuuuck, I hope I get to pick up Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days tomorrow. I might just buckle down and take the bus if I have to.

supernatural, heroes, castiel gets his own tag, kingdom hearts

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