To My Joss-philiac Friends. I bring news!

Jul 02, 2008 14:49

I was wandering through the randoms of the internet today, when I stumbled across this:

Neil Patrick Harris Battles it Out with Nathan Fillion in Joss Whedon's New Web Series

It may not be a movie, but regardless, this collaboration is a fanboy's ((Or girl's)) wet dream. Set to be released in the next month or so, Buffy-creator Joss Whedon has created a three-part musical web series titled "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog," which stars Doogie Howser (aka Neil Patrick Harris) as the supervillain Dr. Horrible and Captain Mal Reynolds (aka Nathan Fillion) as the superhero Captain Hammer. Each episode will be about 10 minutes long.

Intrigued, I sought Information. I bring this to thee as an Offering, oh Fanish ones, please find it worthy.
There is a Teaser Trailer there, and Details of the Master Plan. You must Act soon though, because as the "Master Plan" says, from the hand of the Joss itself:

ACT ONE (Wheee!) will go up Tuesday July 15th.

ACT TWO (OMG!) will go up Thursday July 17th.

ACT THREE (Denouement!) will go up Saturday July 19th.

All acts will stay up until midnight Sunday July 20th. Then they will vanish into the night, like a phantom (but not THE Phantom - that’s still playing. Like, everywhere.)


tehweb, geekery

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