I was told to link it, thus it was linked.
(Lets not mention the fact that I haven't done a proper update in forever either...)
Still working at McDs, Still with M, Looking for a place to move out with Wizard, Ummm Playing FF 9 and 4 with M, which is fun, oh Final Fantasy games how I love thee!
Almost all of my spare time is being spent with emily, which I like.
Click on the link above, and watch the movie, just do it.
Very windy last night, it kept me up a lot, though I still got lots of sleep and actually feel very refreshed! I haven't felt this awake for a long time. I'm sure it will die off soon, but I shall enjoy it while it lasts! My work schedual might be changing at some point in the future, I will probably have Sunday and Monday off, though hopefully I can get Saturday and Sunday off instead, though ether of those would be nice, I hate working both weekend days right now.
Other then that... Not much is new, so... I will continue my pattern of meaningless updates (to the bane of Dave, who is probably creaming in his pants right now because this is actually a meaningful post on my journal!)
Blogg Out.
Oh, My cat is still really fat.