(no subject)

Nov 10, 2005 19:35

Ehh. So this really sucks. The highlight of next week was going to be performing at Ontario Christian but they cancelled that show because from monday at 4 am till thursday at 1 am we're going to be on tour. So they're just going to reschedual it because we are going to miss a whole heck of a lot of school as it is.. I really hope I get to play there, it would be awesome.

My lesson was interesting today, I found out that jury's are only a month away and that I'd better get my ass in gear if I wanted to pass it. *sigh* after working for about 6 hours in the past two days on my piano recital piece that is somthing I dont want to hear. Speaking of which I got a 95 percent on the recital today, which is rather annoying because I worked so freakin hard on it. I just get nervous performing somthing I'm not good at infront of people. Like I'll be fine till I make one tiny mistake and then my hands will start to shake uncontrollably and then it will just snowball from there. But I shouldnt complain. I'm doing my best.

I'm going to go practice here pretty soon.

Pray for me.
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