got a new
the other day, am quite pleased with it but had to dick round for ages in kmart, i actually bought 2 (one for chels, one for me) and after the checkout chick figured out how to process a code instead of mindlessly scanning an item (15 minutes) and heading out into the pick up bay, was kept waiting (30 minutes) before they finally loaded them into my car. i swear that its about 5 metres between where they keep the bikes on the shop floor and goods out. i don't understand why they took so long. i checked the barcode on the bike on the top and didn't bother checking the one underneath as i was getting annoyed and it was hot. I got back to chelseas house and pulled the boxes out when i noticed they'd given me the wrong bike. had to lug the bike through the shopping centre and wait in line for complaints. went and visited chelsea and jess in bakers delight again, came back, no line, left that bike, went in and got my bike. I just carried it out the front door, the guy who checks your bags must've seen the look on my face because he didnt even try to stop me. i was quite pissed by this point.
i'm quite pissed as i cant ride my new bike now. I took chelsea out to lunch the other day, we were going to go to centrelink and medicare to get some stuff sorted when i noticed a podiatrist just around the corner from centrelink. We went into centrelink first and i have to say that was the quickest and easiest centrelink visit i have ever had the pleasure of visiting. I thought that they should have a "Tali first" policy, where Tali gets priority. and what do you know, they seem to have introduced one. A guy came down the line and asked if he could serve anyone quickly, as me and chelsea just wanted forms, he went and got them. 2 minutes tops.
Then on the way back to the car i just wanted to pop into the
there was no one booked in till 3:00 that day, it was about 1:30, i filled out a form. The podiatrist, Don introduced himself and asked what was the matter while ushering me into his office. I told him i'd been suffering for about 7 moths since i broke in a new pair of boots but had been too stupid to seek medical help. He took a look at my foot, asked me some more questions, and probed it a little bit. i didnt realise just how painful it had become till he started squeezing and prodding it. I was amazed at having a competent doctor, he didnt second guess my diagnosis, he cross referenced symptoms and he asked all the right questions in the right order, that while keeping a sense of humour. He started doing a scraping on my foot, a bit painful but less so than walking on it. i was watching him do it, and i could see strips of skin hanging from the scalpel every time he lifted it. Just scraping off the callous had done wonders. Then he got a kind of "oh shit" look on his face. And asked me some more questions, had i been walking bare foot, when did the pain start etc. He told me he wanted the surgeon to have a look. i said fine and asked if i could see. he said he thought it was a wart, but he hadnt seen one like that before, so i asked to have a look. twisting my foot upwards, i looked into a translucent, yellow mass that was under my skin and about the size of a 10 cent piece. The surgeon came in, Julie, all efficient and motherly (by motherly i mean the type of motherly when you had a splinter that had to be removed, of the fervour that you saw in her eyes as she approached you with a hairbrush in her hand on school photo day). She said it wasn't a wart, but a cluster of them. They gave me a local anaesthetic and did some more scraping. They consulted and i realised why Don was so nice, he was obviously new, past internship, but still not confident. They "consulted" (julie told don what was what and quizzed him, barley keeping the facade of equality in play). Turns out I had a cluster of warts that had pushed my nerve endings into bundles (that's why it was so sore to the touch) and they were going to get it out
I agreed to have surgery, after don had explained the procedure to me in great detail and I'd signed a consent form. Julie told Don he was doing the surgery, he started sweating and looked a little worried. They masked up, gave me some adrenalin to stop excessive bleeding (I know, ive never heard of it before either) and some more local. They scraped the toppermost layer of my epidermis right back, then Don cut around the outside of the foreign body with a scalpel. After doing that he started levering inside my foot with a screwdriver like tool, that's when the anaesthetic started to wear off or wasn't working properly. They pumped my foot full of nerve ending blocker again and kept levering. They got it out, _ at a time, then burnt the inside with acid, scraped and burnt, scraped and cut the edges of the wound they had created so that it would grow back right. They cleaned and bound my foot and sent me on my way.
2 hours later and Chelsea decided she'd drive home.
I bought some meal worms and fed them to my lizards, they actually ate them, i'll try hand feeding them soon, YEAY!
i am going to enrol in canning college today at 4:40 pm, for some reason I am a little nervous. i hope to do (TEE) english lit, discrete math, IT and art. then ive got one elective that i cant seem to choose, i am tossing up between media studies (film making), interactive media (flash etc) and graphics technology (2d/3d graphics etc). graphics tech sounds great but i think i'm going to settle on media studies so i can actually make a film out of one of my scripts. It'll be nice to see a brainchild on the silver screen. But we'll see.
i just finished my lunch and had 4 "soy burgers". i think a good advertising campaign for them would be
they don't taste like crap
and in other news, james cameron is making battle angel alita into a movfie. WOOO!(t). i just felt like posting a larger than usual, prob should make it a cut, oh well
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