I have a confession to make:
I'm only writing here to try and kick-start my writing brain again.
It's been pretty much dead in the water since I graduated, and it's been totally dead for as long as I've had this job. I just haven't had the... brain-space, the energy, the focus and creativity to do anything. I've never been good at writing regularly, but writing less than a couple of pages over the course of two years is pretty bad, even for me. (So I guess I have a double motive: reminding my brain how to write, and trying to encourage the habit of doing so on a regular basis.)
I've had little fits and dribbles of story-think over the past couple of years, but it's generally come down to jotting down a short paragraph or some notes and leaving fleshing out for later. Much, much later, apparently. I figured out that I needed to kill the MacGuffin in Happy New Year, because that plot just wasn't going to fit into 6 hours and still be interesting. I wrote a short tie-in piece to my Crusade fanfic, although it doesn't so much resolve as stop. I very vaguely started an alternate-universe story based on my two original characters from my Crusade fanfic. I finally had an idea about how to move the plot in Certain Dark Things that didn't make me totally cringe about how much it was destroying characterisation. I may have forgotten something, but it's really not a lot.
So, that's me. My job is still a soul-destroying energy sink, but given the way my job search is going, if I let that stop me I'll never write again.
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