I just made myself eat an egg sandwich for dinner... I've had no apititie since Friday, so I probably could have just fallen asleep.
I didn't go into work today either... just went into the city for a second to send my Laban homework to my professor via FedEx. And I barely made it too.
I also think this is the LAST time I put a prescription drug into my body. I've never felt so out of control with my emotions. One second I'm happy, the next second I'm in tears. And people are really getting on my nerves like they never have before. I almost yelled at a woman who pushed me on her exit off the train today. Normally I would have just shrugged her rudeness off.
I've also decided to actually try to improve the aspects of my life that are lacking as well. I think that will make me fall in love with the city again because right now I hate it. I stopped being social once I left Manhattan, which is in part due to distance problems and part in fact that I have no money since I moved. So the first resolution is to find another job to make some extra cash. Second is to force myself to be more social with my friends.
Also, I'm going to start devoting more of my free time to school. I'm paying $500.00 a month for this certification, so I ought to be spending more of my time learning this shit. This is actually my new years resolution: to work harder on school work and get the best out of this program.
Last, I really need to find ways to cope with the long distance in my relationship. I knew it was going to be hard, but I never imaged it would be THIS hard. I forget sometimes that not only do we have distance between us, but we both have different mother tongues. So I have to become more patient with Carlos, not expect anything from him, and not super analyze our situation. The last part is very difficult for me as I could think of a million things for one little action, when it could have no reason outside of its literal meaning. Fucking Aquarian traits and grad school gave me that... thanks guys!
Overall, I need to reanalyze my life right now and do things to make it better. Saying is easier than doing though, especially in this situation. I just want a happier life right now... thats all.
Slippage -