Is Judas in Heaven or Hell?

Apr 21, 2011 14:57

Pastor Craig Gross recently wrote a really great article about whether Judas is in heaven or hell.  His answer was, simply, God only knows.

I feel similarly.  I don't know what kind of person I would be if I pontificated on the eternal destiny of, not only a professed follower of Jesus, but one who knew Him a heck of a lot better than I do!

Pastor Craig also rightly points out that Judas and Peter both professed faith in Jesus, both were among His friends, and both denied Him.

At  same time, I wish Pastor Craig had taken time to look at Jesus' own answer to the question.  In Matthew 26:24, Jesus says, The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born.

Obviously, there are several ways to interpret this verse.  Some of them might even come out saying that Judas did not, or may not have, gone to Hell.  I simply don't know enough to deliver a clear answer.

But the fact that Pastor Craig didn't even address this verse is troubling.  Not because of Judas.  I very deeply hope that he found forgiveness in the end, but frankly, it isn't my concern.  It's done and gone: we must entrust his soul to God.  This isn't about Judas: it's about the Christian message itself.  For although Pastor Craig is absolutely right when he says that we should not "speak with such confidence when it comes to someone's place in eternity," it is equally true that the Word of God Himself has every right to do so.  Jesus may have been doing just that in Matthew 26.  He may not have.  The question must be considered.

I, in myself, have no right to speak about someone else's eternal fate.  It would be blasphemy for me to do so.  But Jesus does, and as a disciple of Jesus I am obligated to preach His words and not my own.

word of god, holy week, matthew

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