May 23, 2005 17:23
here's your update;
we move into our house this weds. i'm stoked. my cell phone has finally been shut off....i dunno when i'll have the funds to get it turned on anytime in the near future, maybe in the middle of hune somtime depending on if i can seel my car or not. i'm working two jobs now, i'm working at toys r us in the action figure department and i'm a sales jokey over at hot topic, of all places. the jobs are cool, but don't pay a whole lot - which is why i work 2 of them.
in seas collapse news: we have our first show on june 5th at redrum....apparently now we are "headlining" the show since we've been scheduled to play last. our second show is going to be on june 16th at the paigehouse - tenatively - here in north austin. both shows are cheap as shit, and best of all we'll be there, so if you live in austin or are in going to be in the area, come check it out.
i should be back on the net next if you've missed me, stay tuned, boyos.