
Mar 16, 2004 12:53

Radioactive Iodine U[take
Iodide entering the circulation is removed from it by active transport into the thyroid cells and also by elimination from the body in the urine.
if minimal/insufficient iodide enters bodyover long period, conservation maximized and circulatory inroganic iodide taken up by thyroid
--> tests of thyroid function using radioactive iodine as tracer must be interpreted in relation to available dietary iodine
- greater proportion of tracer taken up by thyroid in cases of iodine deficiency than will be absorbed in prescence of normal intake
- if excessive iodine ingested (medication, or dietary idiosyncrasies) only small proportion used by thyroid, remainder eliminated by kidneys
- added radioactive tracer reflects this, normal values of tracer tests shouldn't be uncritically used for interpretation of particular results
- active transport of iodide from blood into thyroid is trapping
- since avidity of thyroid iodide trap related to degree of repletion of gland and need for element, activity of trap is close indicator of metabolic activity of gland as whole
- many way so to measure radiation emanating from gland after adminstering radioactive iodine used to test activity of iodide trap (long-established thyroid uptake tests)
- thyroid doesn't distinguish b/w different isotopes of idodine so choice of tracer dictated by physical characteristics
-iodine 131 is most commoly used in dose of few mu Ci for uptake measurements and 10 to 20 mu ci is imaging of thyroid
-radiation dose to thryoid reduced byusing 2.3 hour half life , i 132 but short-half life limits measurements ot those of early uptake
-high gamma ray energyleads to resolution problems in imagining
-i 124 is reducedose but has gamma ray w/ such low energy that absorbs within gland itself and in neck tissues leading to inaccurate results

-tracer ioide given orally, amount of radioactivity in thryoid measured @ various times after dose, and most useful single time being after 24 h, but best to record in 4 h
-at earlier time, i.e. 1 h after dose, chosen for early uptake estimation
-early measurements refelct avidity of thyroid trap and 24 h measurement gives indication of thyroidal ability to incoroprate idoide into hormone precursors (organification)
-radioactivity measured @ selected time related to dose administered by apporiate calibration and recorded as %
- great overactivity ofgland, after 24 h, tracer not only organified, but secreted back into circulation incoropated into thyroid hormones
-in these cases, uptake record @ 24 h below max. and even within normal
-extra info. given by early uptake value avoid misaleding interpretiation of study
- influence of iodide repletion on uptake values , normal range must be quoted w/ caution, but 24h value in range 25%- 45% of adminstered dose normal in most populations
-relative iodien deficinecy, values higher, and in population living on diet rich in seaweed, value are lower
- high uptake value consistenc w/ hyperthyroidism and low value w/ hypothyroiidism

-international commission on radiological protection ICRP has watching brief on protection against ionizing radiation
- publishes recommendatinos in light of accumulating experience
-dose limitation to ensure radiation related to benefits and keep necessary exposure as small as possible
-specified limits of dose shouldn't be exceeded

-if person occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation, have neglible exposure to external irradiation
-risk mostly related to radiation emitted by ignested radionuclides
-person working in nuclear medicine subject to irradiation andruns risk of possibly ingesting radioactive materials
-amount called ALI annual limit f intake
-in estimating LAI biological behaviour of material as well as physical characteristics of radiation take into account
-chemical form of material greatly used to influence biological half-life of material in body
- physical form (colloidal, particulate, etc) also have predominating influence in calculating ALI in relation to specific nucldie
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