Here I talk about Ace Combat

May 12, 2011 17:37

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I'm a huge fan of Ace Combat. I'm talking about so huge that it's arguably my favourite game series of all time.

Well, things haven't been going good for me lately concerning that series; Ace Combat 6 was a let down (You want more than 16 planes? FUCK YOU BUY SOME IDOL M@STER SKINS FOR YOUR F-15 SILLY GAIJIN). HAWX was a nice diversion, an okay clone but just not the same and HAWX 2 is a horrid pile of dogshit.

So Namco are making a new Ace Combat but it's not Ace Combat 7! It's a "reinvention" of the series called Ace Combat: Assault Horizon that takes place in the real world rather than Ace Combat's normal fictional world. With stages like a beautifully recreated Dubai (complete with Burj Khalifa) and New York. But could the story be anymore cliche? With every trailer, the game apes more plot lines from Call of Duty. Here's the latest one:

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If you didn't think "Markov? You mean Makarov from Modern Warfare 2?" Then you haven't played Call of Duty.

(the rest of the videos will be under a cut to spare you the scrolling)

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This is the Task Force 108 trailer. As though they couldn't get ANY closer to Modern Warfare's Task Force 141. Both are international special ops groups so they can have a bunch of nationalities in them for story purposes to fight Russians in Dubai for some reason or other that I believe will be retarded.

There's even a dude who wears a skull mask ala ghost from MW2 and there's door gunnery and helicopter battles...WTF? I don't want this!

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This is the debut the beginning one of the soldiers is checking the twitter account on his blackberry-like device. This is Namco's way of saying "LOOK AT US WE'RE CONTEMPORARY!" (though in a cool twist, you can follow the guy on twitter but it's not updating anymore)

I'm not sold on the gameplay changes as well with this emphasis on close in dogfighting which is what made HAWX 2 a shitfest in the first place.

Do I have anything good to say about the game? Well the graphics look awesome an the music is as great and epic as always so I really want that limited edition soundtrack CD.

Please god don't let the game suck.

ace combat, youtube, rants

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