Sep 03, 2006 15:26
Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before
I Hurt myself again today
And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame
Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me
Ouch I have lost myself again
Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found,
Yeah I think that I might break
Lost myself again and I feel unsafe
Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me
Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me
Songs make soooo much sense when you've had them on repeat for 3 days...
feel the urge to update but i dunno what to write... cept i havent read 1984 upto page 66 yet...but yea...
Going to the onetaste thing tonight so hopefully that should be good!
Starting back at college has been good, its been really nice to see everyone and catch up, theres been a really good vibe in the air.. but the lower 6th are in for their first proper day on monday so hopefully they wont be hooligans and ruin it!
Oooooooh i found my remote control tooo... wooo no more having to be not lazy and walking the whol 2 steps (or less than) to my tv... now i jst need to find the stero remote and its all good...
Sams Town is out soooooon... yay!!!! I hope its as good as the first one.. otherwise i will be highly disappointed!
I need another haircut cz i have split ends again... sooo maybe week after next or something...ooooh got train tickets for exeter for weekend after next too, thn the weekend after that were going to see wicked! yay :D! and DOGGIEEEE!!! I get to see Indy! little buttsniffer that he is, mst remember to not wear good top like i did last year *pouts*
I think im getting a cold aswell... not good... BUT HALLOWEEN IS HERE SOOOOOOON!!!!! Ok in like 2 months but still i love halloween :D!
Ok bored now will update later