things that i need to do in the remainder of summer::
- the great diaspora - maybe 7/28. i am thinking beiruit with hard alc - who passes out first wins. should be interesting.
- go to ellie's maine house for 3 nights. next weekend. get fucked up on a boat. hah
- go to a movie at midnight and not fall asleep.
- get courtney cramer CRUNKED
- hang out with lots of VT kids
- definitely have some sort of get together involving the words "toga" and "party" we'll see
- spend a whole night at coch lake (AGAIN) and hang out with some brookline kids
- go to the garment district!!
- beat diablo. seriously, how ghetto am i?
- finish a book i've been reading for about 2 months
- make my cd burner work before i go off to college. and make sure my new comp is up to par with cd burning.
- buy posters for dorm
- (this is a big one) read the entire tintin series in french
- put all my fucking coins in the fucking coinstar machine and get some fucking c$a$s$h m$o$n$e$y
- go to plaster funtime. hell yeah
- finish alcohol edu. i hate that shit. i'm in the facebook about it.
- maybe make a new lj!! that sounds kind of like a good new begining.
alright get back to me if you know if things i need to add//things you want to be a part of.