Title: Untitled
mars_of_warFandom: Supernatural
Pairing: John/Dean goingtohelliknowshutup
Rating: hard R
Warnings: Yeah, that's a slash up there. Also, implications of a sort of dominance in the relationship
Word Count: 100 exactly
Notes: It's been awhile since I've written anything. D:
Disclaimer: SPN and the Winchesters aren't mine. Blame Kripke & co for them existing. I'm just playing with them.
Dean pushed against John's hands, working his wrists underneath them, an unspoken signal that he wanted John to hold him down. There was no safe word with his father, he knew. Everything was "Yes, Sir," and Dean belonged completely to John, even now. This was something they had worked out years ago - the move was never of dubious consent, but rather something they both needed. John needed the control and Dean, loathe as he might be at times to admit it, needed to give his up to someone he could trust.
There had never been anyone he trusted more