(no subject)

Jun 28, 2006 09:52

I'm demented from lack of sleep right now, but I'm still finding time in between edits to annoy neoconservatives, and I can still run logical rings around the genius who runs this site:


He keeps deleting my contribution to the dialogue:
Oops! My last post mysteriously disappeared from this page. Once again, from The Boston Globe:

“Bill Clinton objected to 140 laws over his eight years, according to Kelley, the Miami University of Ohio professor.”

“In just five years, Bush has challenged more than 750 new laws, by far a record for any president, while becoming the first president since Thomas Jefferson to stay so long in office without issuing a veto.”

The other big difference between the two presidents is that Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar, while George W. Bush is a C student who is mildly retarded. It’s natural to be uncomfortable that he so often chooses how to interpret legislation.

Maybe I'll post it AGAIN. HAHAHAHA PWNED!!1!11!

neocons, trolling, politics

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