For FtVS: Andrew and Oz play D&D and wait for something to do.

Oct 22, 2004 10:57

Pointing at the little leaden figurine, I shook my head emphatically: "No, Oz. No. Absolutely not. Don't even try and do your jedi mind tricks on me. You're wrong. You've had Bull Strength for 8 minutes, and there have been six rounds of combat, but, you're down two constitution points, and there's just no way, dude..."

I quickly did some math, and looked at the game board. Oz's barbarian was totally kicking my big bad's ass. And Schwartzkoph the Dwarf was only like fourth level, but -- dude! The Emperor of Glockenschpiel was an Earth Elemental! There is no way that some 4th level dwarf with Bull Strength was going to...

"Oh god. You're right," I admitted, putting my DM pen in my mouth and chewing on it thoughtfully. "Genius! Oz, you are totally, like... oh my god. Check and mate. It's inspired, really."

"Thanks?" Oz said, flatly, as usual.

He was just so... cool. Aloof. I wish I was more like that. More... I don't know... terse? Reserved? I mean, Oz even had Spike beat in the aloof arena, and it's hard to be more aloof than an ensouled, persnickety vampire who used to date Buffy and is like, over a hundred years old. I mean, typically THAT is what is described as "aloof" in my personal dictionary. But, Oz was like, extra aloof. Aloof plus.

"No problem. I wish we had other people to play with. I'm kind of tired of being the DM and I want to ... I don't know. I kind of want to go help Faith patrol, but I guess I'm supposed to just storesit. Not that this isn't fun or anything, Oz. You know. I just feel so... lost," I rambled as Oz listened. Rambled. Yeah, shocking, right? I do that. Give me an inch and I'll take, um, a mile. "But I don't want to do more inventory." I added. Just in case it seemed like I wanted to do more work.

[[ Open to Oz and then, Jenn.]]
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