Apr 18, 2005 11:30
Let it be known, I haven't missed a single class since I've been at UC Sunnydale. I even audited a couple of classes that I thought might be cool to take next semester. Jonathan, who is struggling to maintain his GPA as WELL as conquer the FF/X-2 world, has missed some though. He says that's normal. Actually, everyone seems to think it's normal. College is weird like that. It hadn't really occurred to me until I was a couple of weeks into classes, but: the teachers don't actually care if you go. They usually don't even NOTICE if you aren't there.
Which makes it easy to flake out, I guess. If no one's watching and no one cares, you're free to make your decisions as willy-nilly as you want. It just so happens that my decision is to attend class. On time. Prepared. With my thinking cap on and studying materials. My pencils are sharpened, if you know what I mean.
I'll bet Tucker misses a lot of classes. I wouldn't know, really, as the only class I have with him is Latin. He's there most of the time, sitting in the back of the lecture session and whispering things to his girlfriend, only just barely under his breath. I could have sworn that he said my name the other day. It was like "...psh pshy pssh psh Andrew's face... psh psh." But when I turned around to glare at him, he spit his gum at me and told me, kind of loudly, to mind my own business. The professor didn't seem to notice the gum-spitting, which was a total bummer. I had to remove his gum from the shoulder of my jacket and stick it under the fold-out desktop. Not very cool. Everyone sitting between Tucker and I narrowly averted being hit with it instead, but even still, they all looked at me like it was my fault.
Which brings me to my next point: my self-defense class is going REALLY well. I think I'll probably be able to beat Tucker up by Winter of 2006. With Jonathan as my sparring partner, though, I think my progress is impeded. He's really... naggy and sensitive. I thought about asking Warren or Xander if they'd spar with me, as they are more or less my brother's size, but... we're not at that point in any of our friendships. And both of them kind of scare me. At least with Jonathan, *I* feel like "the cool one" -- but with both Xander and Warren, I feel like an annoying, dorky little brother again.
I need to take an assertiveness course next semester, I think. I wonder if I can do that over the internet? Or maybe there's some kind of magic that I can look into for self-confidence boosts? Note to self: ask Jonathan about upping my personal, real-life stats via mystical means.
Anyway, this is what I'm thinking about on my way to class. Walking quickly, keeping my eyes on my shoes, readjusting my bag every five seconds. I'm also considering getting headphones so I can walk around, work on my conversational Klingon, and not have to talk to anyone.
[[Open to anyone that wants to trip Andrew and make him fall down.]]