Author:: burnin_up_a_sun
Word Count: 905
Rating: Explicit
Warning: n/a
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Their hands pressed each other’s bodies, thigh against cock, belt unbuckled, thrusting, moving. Lips scraping against whiskers. Harry wasn’t going to last, was going to lose it in a second.
Author's Notes: 3 things. (1) NSFW and please be kind (2) idk if I said this, but these are unedited. Please be kind as you have been. (3) I’m usually a planner, but I promise myself that I will let the characters do what they want to do. Hence this chapter.
Read It Here:
Chapter 9