Irresistible ch 2/25

Dec 03, 2022 15:32

Title: Irresistible
Author: burnin_up_a_sun
Word Count: 815
Rating: Teen (for now)

Warning: no warnings
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Malfoy was raised with manners and good breeding. Maybe Harry could learn a few things from Malfoy, starting with what's going on.
Author's Notes: idk y'all. I'm giving this a shot. I crapped out the past two years, so if you want to wait til it's done before you commit to it, I get that. I have a FT job now, but I have more mojo than I have since preCovid.
This will be squidgy and warm. but, look. It's not written yet. So who the hell knows. (well, not the squidgy and warm part. there will always be HEA in my fic)
Read It Here: Chapter 2

25 days of draco and harry, harry x draco, 25 days of draco and harry--early bird, professor potter, professor malfoy

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