War Games [G1] and Gone From Me [G1, Slash, SSxSF]

Sep 06, 2008 10:12

Disclaimer: I, in no way, shape, or form, own the Transformers franchise or the characters contained within its bounds.  All publicly recognizable characters are copyrighted to Hasbro, and the respective artists/writers/et cetera.  No infringement intended.
Fandom: Transformers G1 (generation one)
Continuity: Cartoon-verse, pre-war, pre-earth, Cybertron
Characters: Starscream, Megatron
Warnings: Past-tense slash
Summary: The space between Skyfire's fall and the rise of the Decepticons. Gunning for least inspired summary ever.
Author's Note:  Written at first as part of the 5 SSxSF thing I was doing, it began to horribly mutate and I lost all sense of plot about midway.  So I said, 'Eh, let's run with the angst.  Everybody like sympathetic angst, right?' It's not in canon with the rest of Lost Time.  Eventually I'll get around to posting part two (when it starts being cooperative and non-silly), the untitled story that archs over the space of time between where the doomed duo left Cybertron and all the way to where they crash on earth.  I took liberties with aliens.  A lot of them. And horrible pseudo-science.  I really can't resist these things. D:

Gone From Me

Disclaimer: I, in no way, shape, or form, own the Transformers franchise or the characters contained within its bounds.  All publicly recognizable characters are copyrighted to Hasbro, and the respective artists/writers/et cetera.  No infringement intended.
Fandom: Transformers G1 (generation one)
Continuity: Cartoon-verse, pre-earth, Cybertron
Characters: Skywarp, Thundercracker
Warnings: **VIOLENCE** and my twisted sense of humor
Summary: In which is a very good reason why Skywarp should not be left unsupervised. Well, mostly.
Author's Note:   This is very, very twisted.  I am so serious. There have been complaints.  I got an angry e-mail. I kind of giggled when I read it. But, seriously folks, mature readers only. I cannot stress this enough, apparently, because people who don't want to read violence just keep on readin' it. Boggles the mind, it does.

War Games 

On Anoter Totally Unrelated Note: I found it in this folder I did not know I had. Apparently, at one time or another, I braced up and decided to organize this jumble of Word documents where I typically keep every story that's ever crossed my mind.  Well, somewhere along the way, I evidently put a ton of half-finished or snippets of ficlets into this folder, with every intention of coming back.  Which I didn't.  Because I forgot, probably, five minutes after I did it. It's what I do.  Forget things.

But that means there are a dozen or so fics that should be pretty easy to polish up and post - the ones that aren't 'OMGWTF' terrible.  To name a few: 'They Call Him Huffer', 'Disgusting Things Your Shipmates Do, Or Why Blackarachnia Gets Her Own Quarters', 'Petty Jealousy', 'The "Mirage is possibly the best stalker ever" fic', something I apparently titled: 'Grimlock: P.I.M.P.', and 'Justification', to name a few. :D

Sometime this week I'll get around to organizing (horror of horrors) and actually entitling the documents beyond simply the first few words or 'adjfkasldfja'.  And probably list out what all I'm working on.  Which is a lot.  Which is also probably why I take forever on absolutely anything beyond a two-thousand word count.  Raawwrrrgh.

Also, little note about Skywarp: I, too, totally repeat whatever someone says in the form of a question when I'm stalling or just not really paying attention to them.  XD

... :3...

slash, starscream, skyfire, thundercracker, g1, skywarp

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