(no subject)

Mar 29, 2004 09:06

i couldnt begin to describe the headache that homecoming preparations have been so far.

when i was put in charge, i had 2 weeks to try and find a fraternity to work with and set up serenades for the sororities the brothers had picked. but i wasnt told when serenades were for a week, so really i had a week to put this all together. on top of islander setup. and a job interview.

but i pulled it off. im not sure how, but it all came together beautifully. we didnt have a fraternity set in stone yet, but i knew we had enough clear options that it wouldnt be a problem. eventually through the week all the sorority presidents called me back and set up a schedule of serenades at 15 minute intervals in basically a straight walking line. yesterday jimmy and i (with shout outs to rob and tyler for their help) wrote a kickass serenade song that im sure we'll use in the fall when we have a sorority to work with.

so coming out of the serenades, i was pleased... until we started getting the messages that each one of the sororities picked someone else. pi phi i wasnt surprised about. in fact, i knew they would probably pick kappa sig. adpi i was hoping might pick us, and from their response to the serenade i figured we had a shot, but also not amazingly surprised. alpha xi... i dont know how surprised i was at that. and the biggest shocker of the night... theta and pike? dont mean to insult anyone personally here, but what the fuck theta? you're retarded. way to pick a fraternity that is dwindling badly in numbers, is in serious danger of being suspended before homecoming begins, and is known for mixing up ghb in their house. god, what a stupid decision.

well anyways, this meant we had to act quickly. we spent hours last night exhausting almost all the options available to us. i say almost all because right now im waiting on a call from the delta gamma president, which will determine if we are working with them and aepi. actually, i dont mind working with dg and aepi, that was what i suggested hours before we got to that point, but it isnt my choice, its my chapter's choice, so i had to walk the fine line of taking charge and listening to everyone else. anyway, if dg says no for some reason, we only really have one other option. and if that cant work... i dont know.

it just pisses me off because i have worked so fucking hard on such a time crunch for this, and through no fault of my own it is falling apart. everything i had control over went off wonderfully. but i know that looking back, none of that will matter, only that i was in charge and shit went bad.

i just hope that i can take whatever we have to work with and turn it around into something successful. im hoping to hear positively from dg, because i know that working with dg and aepi will be a fun combination, despite what a few naysayers might think.
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