May 19, 2004 01:27
Day 3 of a 7 day work week. Starting to run out of steam. think I need sex. Yeah definately need sex. Been too long. I'm backed up like the f***ing Hoover Damn. Or maybe I'm just tired. This whole getting off work at like 12 or so is starting to get annoying.
1:30 AM do you know where I am??? If you find me please call 1-800-something something.
1:31 AM Milla still running around causing havoc. More news as it happens.
I just hope me working my ass off is gonna be worth it to go to Chicago. Jay you owe me big aight'.
Funny thing happened at work;
Jerry: "Ali you're so hot, you make me horny."
(dirty look from Ali)
Ali: "Your quiet all shift and the one time you open your mouth you say that. You're terrible"
Jerry: "Ok fine, just kidding, make me limp."
(Ali's jaw drops in amazement)
(me grabbing my side cause it hurts from laughing so hard)
yeah so there ya go.