Jul 26, 2007 16:09
Well i started ironworking almost a year ago now it was october to be exact and so of these ten months i have probably been able to stay at my home for 2 its complete bull shit. i get to go home on the weekends lately because this job is in wisconsin. Going home means getting on a boat at 6:30 wisconsin time and docking at 10:30 michigan time its a 2 and a half hour boat ride thats if its on time which it never is and if the water is bad its a way longer ride last weekend the boat showed up an hour late one of the engines broak down and the water sucked it didnt dock till 12 midnight. then i have a 2 and a half hour drive to ann arbor so i get home at 1 if everything goes perfect then i have from then till sunday at 1 last weekend with that boat crap i wasnt even home 24 hrs its bull shit.and not to mention regina works every saterday so i dont even get to see her half the time because shes working. im trying to get some work around home ive put my name on the list of every hall close to home i would be estatic for a job that all i have to do is drive two hrs to work that would be amazing to me. michigans economy is so bad right now i hate it. ive decided that if i should be so lucky and get something close to home im gonna go back to school im pretty sure i want to do firefighting school and some emt shit so that i can be home everyday with my babygirl and sleep next to her i miss being next to her all the time its terrible.
all i know is this life isnt for me. it makes me hate everything. im so sorry regina i know you hate it as much if not more then me. arent you glad you married me?
i feel like there is more but my mind is blank and dull feeling im gonna go to sleep.
your one day a week husband
something to add up there in all that. the job pays good and i love what i do but not good enough and i dont love it enough to feel like this all the time