pink flower choker, baby blue with orange moose detail tube top

Mar 02, 2004 14:53

Still trying to articulate myself normally in this...Coach talked to me yesterday about the Ltwt boat, which has undergone major seat changes and has recently set higher criterias (presently everybody under 8:15 on 2K by end of the season). Some new girls have made weight and a 105lb freshmen just pulled an 8:13. I weigh 115 and pull an 8:26 thus far..know i can get it in the teens by the end of the season, but I talked to him about being in the 3rd eight. I want the fastest girls to be in their rightfully earned spot in the boat and I could bring a lot to the other one. I don't know why I sometimes get afraid, because I will always perform to the best of my ability and if I serve best in the 3rd than that is okay. I'm never going to give up pushing myself to get my erg times down or give up during a race. And before I had this goal in mind to finish out crew as a rower in the Ltwt (JV) boat and in turn, I would be satisfied with the person that was and be ready to go to college. But I've realized I don't need to neccassarily accomplish a goal in crew to be that person and by just rowing with heart I'm already becoming her. That rower girl who never cares what they look like because they're tired as shit and not afraid to be themselves. (This is probably true for all girls who are athletes but I personally know crew)Varsity, Ltwt, 3rd, 4th eight is all the same to me. I just feel priveledged to row : ) Blaine and I's 3 year anniversary was today! I skipped first period and snuck into his room while he was at school. In his room I proceeded to take all the pictures we had ever taken together and attach string to them, and hang them from the ceiling so it would be like a love jungle. I made this large piece of art, which had "I love you more than yesterday, and will continue to love you more everyday because you are you and I love who you are," written on it and played Bob Marley's "Could this be love?". I want Blaine in my life forever :) Who has met a kinder human being? I love you Blaine
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