Hussein Chalayan Spring Summer 2007 Collection

May 10, 2007 22:46

Everyone for spring-summer 2007 cited futurism and metallics as the current trends, with robot charms from LV by marc (whose gotten even sexier since rehab), metallic one pieces with exaggerated hips from D&G and armor-like metal leggings. but what chalayan did was truly inspired. he pretty much showed how fashion has evolved in the last century but updated it with his techno touch. he's been referred to as fashion's mad scientist, and there's no question why. but he's not just an abstract designer, the clothes are downright beautiful. the dress around 2 minutes was featured in every spring fashion mag during paris fashion week, but seeing the transformation in video is truly amazing. these transformations are not clunky and wired, they are elegant and beautiful, like a flower blooming. a real accomplishment. unlike lagerfeld, chalayan wants these pieces to be worn by people. he wants this technology applied to how we dress. he's not just doing it for the rich and privileged, he's creating these things because he believes in them. but he says that we live in increasingly boring times in which companies do not want to take risks. the show ends with the fabric from a hat unveiling a woman's naked body, reminding the fickle fashion world that at the end of the day, it's still a woman's body underneath all the garb. chalayan is noted as a modest man who practically never comes on stage after his shows, but with his feats in both fashion and technology, he has no reason to be that way.
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