
Aug 19, 2008 11:44

Name a hand full of people you RP with, read, or have heard of. Say something positive, a reason why you like their characters, or the players. Anything that is constructive, positive, and better than the general: <3!!

Kara!Mun (who is also Leoben and AU!Sam) wants to thank:

Sam!Mun and Sharon!Mun for being so fabulously AWESOME, and for playing with Kara and having plots and letting Kara yell at Sam and get drunk with Sharon. <33333! And putting up with the randomAU!plot, and letting Kara!Mun being obsessively!excited!puppy on email. :D ::twirls you::

Pyro!Mun for totally going along with canon!Kara and AU!Kara, despite being from a completely different fandom, and talking to Leoben and Sam, and getting six thousand emails about two different 'verses, and AU plot ideas, and all sorts of things that would confuse us if not for LJ tags. THANK GOD FOR TAGS. And, of course, for buying BSG so you can get addicted, too. :P

Apollo!Mun for playing with Kara and not being a Kara/Lee shipper, yay! and writing an awesome Apollo for her to interact with, both canon! and AU!, and also for Helo! Thanks so much for playing with my muses!!

Laura!Mun for the RP and for writing an awesome President Roslin! Thanks so much for playing with me and Kara both!! :) I really am having a great time!

Carlos_thedwarf, lindil and Resolute for listening to Kara!Mun's chatter about her RP and plots and prompt answers, and for reading them and being patient with her new obsession. ::adores::

Y'all are fabulous. ::mwah::

thank-you's, ooc, meme

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