
Sep 11, 2004 12:57

im bored at home doing nothing i think i probably wasted my whole day....anyways my mom payed 10 bucks to AOL white pages to find her old el camino best friend now she lives in vegas and we have her number we didnt call yet........but my mom is nervous ugh.....ok anyways here is the weirdest signature someone put in my moms elco year book:

Lori(my moms school name)- your a babe i want to go out with you. I'm glad I met you Cause your really sweet. I love your EYES! and your voice is very nice. Let me get to know you better next year or this summer.

Luv, Tim Burdzinski

BARRRFFFFFF there r more nastier ones give u sentences from others:

"have a bitchen summer"

"You are a really sexy chick and i want you. You better go out with me..." I DO NOT WANT TO PUT ANYTHING ELSE AHHH
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