"Born free. Everywhere, in chains."

Apr 14, 2007 02:41

Christ, haven't updated this in a while. Mainly because I've been busy as hell. In between multiple deadlines, organising stuff for the philosophy society, accomodation, and attempting to maintain a social life, I've really had little time for other stuff. Updating this counts as 'other stuff', by the way.

I'm back in Derby at the moment, attempting to have a holiday. What this translates to is me getting drunk a bit too much, and putting off the myriad things that I was meant to be doing. Y'know, revision. And things of its ilk.

It always depresses me a bit when I'm back here, because things have inevitably changed. Obviously the physical layout of Derby is changing quite considerably at the moment, what with an abomination that can only be described by the tongue of man as a 'mall' being built, but that's not what's bothering me. Relationships change when people go away for months at a time, and people drift. It's always going to happen, but that doesn't mean it's enjoyable.


I've been considering various ways of making money whilst at uni, and this thought process may perhaps be sped up somewhat in the weeks to come, considering I was shouted at by a friend tonight for wasting my life by going to uni. Apparently I'm a 'loser' if I don't have a car and a house (not rented, actually owned by myself) by the time I'm twenty. Hrm, okay. Apparently I'm also a loser if I decide to do post-graduate work, because I'll be clinging onto my childhood. Er... Right, sure, whatever. Thanks for the confidence boost there.

That just seems kind of shallow to me. Sure, buying a house young is something to aim for... but it's pretty damn pointless if you want to travel the world, and not stay in one place for too long. Earning hoards of cash, likewise, seems unimportant if you don't value money that much.

Obviously my degree has corrupted me. I mean, what kind of person values things such as freedom and love over money?
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