why is it that we spend more time critisizing each other when we should be critisizing ourselves?

May 29, 2004 23:06

words are overused
fashion is overrated
phrases have become novels
and develop into more consanants and vowels.
fashions are becoming fads, and develop enemies that spawn color.
some kids use fashion as a weapon,some kids use phrases as their weapon,some use action as their weapon and develop phrases with those actions.
they fight the world that is different from them, and ridicule the world that is the same behind its back.
this vebal war creates few real casualties and the ones left over think they are the ones that have it the worst-
these kids in black and white,
all was quiet cuz nobody spoke out,
they just write it down in hopes that no one will notice its just a cry for attention.
they downt want people to know they are the people they hate.
the kids they mask themselves with other peoples' oppression becuase in the end they arent oppressed at all, they just want it to be their scapegoat, even though its not theirs.
they dont want to be known as the person you hate.
they trust the intimidation of popularity will protect them from rebellion, from order,from growing up.
trust the shattered self esteem.

dont worry, you'll never grow up.
stay in high school, drama kings/queens,
the real world doesnt want you anyway.
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