Dec 04, 2004 16:27
Sooo punk rawk [4:11 PM]: whats going on with you and ashley?
iMaBaKaSaRu [4:11 PM]: we broke up
Sooo punk rawk [4:11 PM]: anything else?
iMaBaKaSaRu [4:12 PM]: shes mad at me forgoing out with kassi
Sooo punk rawk [4:13 PM]: you go out with a girl named kassi?
iMaBaKaSaRu [4:13 PM]: yea
CCCCCCCCCCRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. boom. this makes me so angry. he talks about how he "likes" me, just so i can say it back to him and then just goes and hooks up some other whore. i cant trust him anymore. oh man. this is going to make me so depressed. friday was my day of happiness. i knew it wouldnt last long. im going to be alone forever. ::echoes::