(no subject)

Aug 19, 2005 15:21

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet artemishia? Me and this chica are tight ese. we blood related.
2.~What would you do if you had never met blueonyxturtle? Got drunk?
3.~What do you honestly think of roguish_blush? One of the most beautiful wonderful people i know.
4.~Would or did artemishia and burningcinder go out? Jesus Christ i hope not.
5.~Have you ever liked nonemore? Yes i have a darn lot too.
6.~If sepsis_dna died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? I would die ;_; I love you more than anything monkey.
7.~Would blue_aidoru and delirium8413 make a good couple? Sure why the hell not?
8.~Describe artemishia in 3 words: wonderful, fat, family.
9.~Do you think artemishia is hot? Oh lordy i think that's a sin.
10.~Would sepsis_dna and artemishia make a lovely couple? Now ithis is getting fucking wrong.
11.~What do you think of when you see burningcinder? Poop.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about delirium8413: Tone deaf-o.
13.~Do you know any of devilgemini's family members? Sure theyre nazi's.
14.~What's artemishia's favorite color? I'll go with magenta.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is artemishia? 11 cause she's tubby.
16.~What would you do if nemurigusuri just professed their undying love for you? About time. Guess i'm a homosexual now.
17.~What language does artemishia speak? Jibe.
18.~Who is artemishia going out with? Aside from marrying my good friend she's carrying my 2nd grade teachers baby.
19.~Is werdwhore a boy or a girl? At this point...YES.
20.~Would artemishia and nemurigusuri make a good couple? Cute but no good.
21.~Who do you think artemishia would be great with from this list? Sepsis_dna
22.~When was the last time you talked to artemishia? Just about an hour ago.
23.~What is nonemore's favorite band? Nowaday's could be anything should be the Eagles damnit cause they rock or Quiet Riot.
24.~Does blue_aidoru have any siblings? Yes, alien siblings.
25.~Would you ever date devilgemini? I think i did.
26.~Would you ever date artemishia? Why im already gay for nemurigusuri.
27.~Is artemishia single? HA HA HA no.
28.~What is artemishia's last name? Salaiz
29.~What is artemishia's middle name? Magdalena.
30~What is roguish_blush's fantasy? >cough< no idea.
31.~Where does werdwhore live? Fantasy land.
32.~Would you make out with artemishia? FUCKING INCEST IM GAY
33.~Are blueonyxturtle and devilgemini best friends? no chance in hell
34.~Does artemishia like artemishia? jeez i would hope so
35.~How did you meet artemishia? Hey this is the same as question 1.
36.~Is artemishia older than you? well she got pregnant first.
37.~Is artemishia the sexiest person alive? ...
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