yeah i haven't been updating but whatever. my time is now occupied by a 5 month old who thinks he is some kind of primate, im allowed to make sporadic entries.
and before you read any of this i want to apologize if its choppy and doesnt run together well. im probably going to be interuppted over and over and over again....
so currently im living with my mom, i moved here after the baby got out of the hospital so she could help me with stuff. me and mat really didnt kno what we were doing and i shudder to think what would have happened if i would have moved straight into his house. my mom still doesn't have a job so its really nice being able to have someone watch the baby if i need to shower or eat.
...or at least it is on tues and thursdays when i dont have to worry about her drunk, gimpy husband taking him from my mom when i wasnt looking. (i kno she wouldnt hand him over if she knew he was drunk but i swear she can't tell sometimes.) at first rob didn't bother me, but after a while living with some homophobic guy who watches nascar and hates white meat cuz its not manly just wears you down. it would be different if i could speak up when hes talking shit, but i don't want want to cause trouble for my mom. and then there are those days he'll come downstairs all drunk from an afternoon at the bar and want to play with asher and get pissy cuz i wont let him. so since i never kno when hes been drinking and since we all kno keeping my mouth shut is a BIG problem for me i try to ignore him and stay in the basement all day. i thought this would be way better than those confrontations that always occur when i don't. but is it?? of course not. now he bitches to my mom about how he feels like a "second class citizen in his own home". RAWR. this is why i look forward to tuesdays and thursdays.
tuesdays and thursdays are usually my good days. they are the only days of the week that rob doesn't spend sitting in front of the tv watching action movies and eating bacon, besides the days he quits early to go to the bar. he's supposed to be volunteering at edwin shaw cuz my mom got pissed that he was drinking too much. HOWEVER, he didn't go yesterday so im extra pissed. Now I have to spend 6 straight days in the basement trying to avoid him.
alright, enough of the bitching. things aren't all bad. if you don't count rob being his ignorant self everythings actually going pretty well. i think im finally starting to get over my death of a cold that i've had for a week. hopefully asher will follow. its pretty hard trying to suck snot out of an infants nose when hes shaking his head back and forth rather forcefully.
ash is finally almost off his phenobarb too. which is cool cuz the doctor that prescribes it is totally weird. he has a real thick accent that theres no way i can ever understand anything except for the first word, which is always "mom." i dont kno why, but for some reason he has to address whoever he thinks is "mom" at the beginning of every question. even the day it was just my mom and mat he would address her as mom instead of mat as dad, even after she was introduced as grandma. maybe he understands just english as well as he speaks it.
im falling asleep.
mat wants me to post pictures but i'll do it later.