Wide World of Diapers

Jul 27, 2005 20:36

Ahh, the things you get sucked into when you're going to have a baby. I've been dreaming about diapers for the last few days, as I'm sure Marc has. We've been reading, researching & asking for opinions on all sorts of diaper related questions and finally we have placed an order to get us started.

It's tempting to go with all-in-one diapers (AIO), or pocket diapers, but they are very pricey. (They're awfully cute too. For many reasons (not just price), we've decided to start with pre-folds & covers w/ velcro. This way we can get the basics down and expand into nighttime wool soaker later. If you're interested:

Chinese Pre-folds (Infant)
Bummis Super Whisper Wrap (Small) (White)
Hemp Doublers - A little added protection for night.
Snappis - Just to check them out. Technically, with the covers we've chosen, we won't need to pin, but it doesn't hurt to have a couple of these around.

I also grabbed some Burt's Bees diaper ointment & power (No talc!), as it was on sale. I'm pretty excited to try this stuff out ;)

Week 29 and all is well on the pregnancy front. I'm really enjoying Yoga everyday & need to keep at it after the birth. I'm getting bigger every week & he's moving around lots, although it still feels like mysterious "bumps". I do not see recognizable body parts under my skin, so I'm guessing he's still pretty small or blaming it on the placenta. My next Dr. appt. is Aug. 1st, so I'll ask him about it.

We finally got a break from the heat today. 78 degrees felt wonderful. I even got some mowing done :) I've been so sick of running the AC nonstop - windows open & the attic fan running is heaven.
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