Holiday blues

Jan 05, 2014 17:16

Ugh I hate the holidays. Honestly I totally caved and ate pretty horribly (well, horribly to my standards).

I was with family for almost a week and that week I had a scale and just wanted to maintain. I did a pretty good job of that, gained only a pound, and then went off to visit friends in another state with my fiancé. There, I was without a scale and Spent almost a week with them. I just got back home last night and weighed myself. Gained 6 pounds and was freaking out.

Having had only some soup today and plenty of water, I'm feeling much better and gained some perspective on this. I believe that it's a LOT from sodium bullshit from eating out so much, and bloat from alcohol. Also, I was stuck at a plateau so I'm hoping that this weight gain will quickly go down and jump start me into getting over that old plateau I had... HOPEFULLY!!

Ugh listen to me trying to justify... I hate myself.

Hope everyone else survived the holidays!

~Liz xo

via ljapp

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