Met one of my goals!

Dec 06, 2013 09:24

I hit my goal 2 two days ago... Only one more step to go. Then I lost another pound yesterday so I'm actually below my goal now and on to my goal 3. It's only 14 more pounds to go, but I'm hoping to try to do it slowly so my fiancé and friends don't freak out and so i can insure it'll stay off. I'm posting numbers under an LJ cut.

I have moments of feeling good about my weight, other times I wake up and feel huge or the exact same way I was 30 pounds ago... Also, people at work have been commenting like nuts these days. Is it weird that I almost don't want the compliments? I mean I'm glad they notice, but it's almost annoying having to respond to them. Yesterday a patient asked if I was "still losing weight"... What does that mean? How am I supposed to respond to that? I awkwardly said "um, I'm not sure... I don't really weigh myself. Just a healthy diet and exercise." (LIES!!) ugh. Does anyone else feel this way? I'm seeing my family for the first time in months, when I was at my highest... Everyone is going to say stuff and how "proud they are of me"... I hate the secrets and the lies. Just makes me feel awkward.

It's weird, I've lapsed and gained like 3 different times now since my initial hospitalization when I was in high school... And my family doesn't seem to get that I'm still very much eating disordered... Like they thought that was just a "phase" and think my ups and downs are... Normal? Who knows...

Highest weight: 145
Goal 1: 125
Goal 2: 115
Goal 3: 100
Current weight: 114
Height: 5'3

Hoping to reach my goal 3 by end of January or beginning of February.

Stay strong ladies, some advice would be awesome right now!

~Liz xo

via ljapp

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