(no subject)

Feb 28, 2010 22:20

I could walk away
Yet I choose to stay
You mean the world to me
Open your eyes, look and see
We’ve been through hell and back
I saw you through your panic attack
You gave me the vent, you’re my saviour
Never again, resort to hot and cold behaviour
I want more than forty years, I want you forever
I hate being apart; we’re so much better together
You strangled me, I’m so sorry I couldn’t fall asleep
I had to walk away, for that my heart will always weep
Your three word phrases made me frustratingly start to cry
I don’t need to be let off the hook you stupid noble amazing guy
I ‘m so damn proud of you, I know how hard it was to visit your mom
Sometimes I watch you sleep, now your body and heart rate stays calm
I love you. I love you!! Me Cristina Yang. It’s like I can’t breathe without you
I can compromise and meet you halfway, because it’s our relationship I value
The ways she stares at you longingly. I look in her eyes; I can tell how she’ll feel
She shouldn’t have told you. I can’t believe I hurt you, I’m sorry about the stupid deal
Burke took little pieces of me. I made myself into what he wanted, I wasn’t me anymore
It scares me that I love you, and if you ever take another piece, I’ll walk out the front door
You need to be there, you need to see me, you need to stay, because with you I feel so free
You are it for me, my after, my forever, my stupid noble amazing guy, Owen Hunt, marry me?


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