Okay, I've been reading a Star Wars
Let's Play, and for some reason, a sequence has formed in my head that would make a great scene in one of the films or games:
Here goes: Open on a serene, quiet little world, where a patient Jedi master is training a handful of students. They aren't doing anything really active--perhaps meditating or reading or something quiet like that. In sneaks a figure all swathed in black (so we know it's a bad guy), who must be using the Force to cloak their presence; the Jedi Master certainly seems oblivious to them being there. The figure in black sneaks up behind the old master, and is poised to strike just as the old Jedi raises his head and announces something to his pupils:
Master: "I'm hungry. Do any of you want anything?" And he starts getting up.
The students, glancing up, of course see the figure in black, perceive the menace, and are properly alarmed. One of them tries to warn their venerable teacher.
Student: "Master--"
Master: "No, no, don't trouble yourselves, I can get it myself."
The snap-hiss of a lightsaber informs us that this would-be assassin is a Sith, who's just managed to put a big slice through the master's freshly-vacated chair. Cue fight music? No. Because the master is headed off to the kitchen, the frustrated Sith in hot pursuit, the worried students trailing behind.
What follows is somewhere between Jackie Chan-style wuxia and a comedy of errors, as the Jedi rummages through the kitchen, preparing his meal, and the Sith keeps swinging that saber and missing by the tiniest margins. The Sith might even conveniently lightsaber open a package the Jedi is holding at some point, sparing him the effort of finding the tool normally needed to open it. The students might attempt occasional warnings or interjections, all genially dismissed by doddering-grandfatherlike Jedi.
Still oblivious, the Jedi moves off to another room with his snack, the Sith practically windmilling at him to no avail. When he's seated at a table and is taking the first bite, the Sith jumps on the table with a final desperate yell, thrusting the lightsaber at the Jedi and stopping short, again a hairsbreadth away. Only then does the Jedi seem to notice them, showing a small smile.
Master: "Would you like some?"
End scene.
At some later point, the Jedi would explain to the worried students that to battle another who wields the Force is to enter a contest of wills, first and foremost. As has often been said by various Jedi, "crude matter" is a secondary concern. He'd go on to point out that, with the Sith tendency to focus on aggression and easy paths, they tend to focus more on mastering that crude matter while leaving their wills weak. Or something like that.
Anyway, it was just a scene I thought would be amusing, and would give the Jedi a bit more of a "mystics who also have laser-swords" feel than the "wire-fu stunt bunnies who occasionally say something cryptic" guys from some of the movies. And it appeals to my sense that it's good to show different kinds of conflict, and different kinds of victories.