Another quick one, this proved a nice exercise to keep me in editing shape, but didn't pose any new challenges or teach any new lessons.
No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you, and no, I didn't somehow screw up the html. The card really is upside-down, or "reversed." (Not reversed in the photo editing sense, reversed in the Tarot sense.)
Why is this card reversed? Because Flea, featured here, better represents the card's negative, reversed aspect more than its positive. Deception and illusion are the hermaphroditic mage's hallmarks--when first encountered, he shadows the party in the form of a bat, watching as they go through their fights (including a tussle with his duplicious stand-in).
While Flea may be only tangentially associated with imagination, intuition, dreams, and the powers of the mind, s/he nonetheless makes an intriguing pick for the moon's darker side.
Gotta catch 'em all:
Lucca, the Magician Ayla, the Star Sprites culled from Chrono Trigger, Lucca taken from promotional art for either the game or the anime, background pilfered from the Internet after a Google image search for "gears." All editing, arranging, and window-dressing done in Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8. Tarot lore gleaned from "Understanding and Using Tarot" by Emily Peach. All characters depicted copyright of Square, now SquareEnix. I am the very model of a modern major general.