Nov 10, 2008 08:26
So, first something I need to get off my chest. As everyone on here knows, I am recently out of a marraige and into a relationship. Many people have taken the time to write me and voice their concerns. i appreciate this, I really do.. However..
I am well aware of what I am getting into. I know the age difference, and I know the distance issue and I am aware of the dangers of moving to quickly. I also know that the absolute worst case senario is that I end up sad and alone, which if you think about it, is where I started.
I am really happy. Really happy to the point where I don't even notice other girls anymore. Even girls I had crushes on up until the day before I met meg (ask the yoga instructor at my gym :p )
So please, save all the negative thoughts and be happy for me. I have heard the advice offered and made my decsions. Thank you for caring enough to be worried, but as my friends I would ask that you just root for my happiness and not dwell on the long odds.
(PS I am using my laptop computer to post this since I just got a new desktop. and the spell check function is worthless so I am sorry for all spelling mistakes.)
Now that I have gotten that off my chest, I am going to take a moment to gush about my new girl friend. ;)
She is crazy smart, and has been able to challange me intellectually about politics, govenerment, religion, economics and so on. She is funny and appreciates my goofy sense of humor. And she has a sharp enough wit to keep me on my toes. She is kind, senseitive and caring. She is driven and motivated. She is out going and likes to get out and travel. She plays madrigal. She does not yet know it but she is going to join grums company (lol ok so not likely but you can't blame me for trying) And of course the ever shallow reason.. She is beautiful. And for some strange reason.. she seems to like me :p
I could go on, but I have a feeling this is already to mushy for some so I will leave it at that for now. ;)
In other news work has been a little stressful. I was called to a CPR last night. the family was working a dead woman. I stopped them and checked and she was not savable. I had to explain to them why I was not going to do CPR on their grandmother... They understood but that is still news it sucks to be the one to give..
The whole business about full moons and such things affecting people to get them to act crazy is a myth. in 8 years I have never seen it. But one thing that is true is this time of year suicides go way up. I hate running those calls. I only run the "attemtpted" cases. they dont call me for a dead body. but I ran my first one of the season last night. So I guess.. game on.
Anyway, I got the end game schedual and I can make every game and only have to take one day of leave!!! (pc's beware! mwa-ha-ha) I am eagerly awating the madrigal schedual so I can put in for leave now if I need to.
Thats all I got this morning. I am going to crawl into bed with my cat who has been demanding I do that since I started this post.